Collection: Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra)

Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts) are shade loving perennials with a distinctly romantic flair. Whether you know them as "bleeding hearts" or "lady in the bath" plants, the dangling heart shaped blossoms are unforgettable! Highly resistant to deer, cold hardy Dicentra blooms do attract hummingbirds. Native to Eastern Asia and North America, bleeding hearts flowers come in a range of colors from deep reds to hot pinks, light pinks and whites. Other shade loving plants like hosta, astilbe, and ferns make great companion plants for Dicentra.

Why We Love Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra)

  • They produce heart-shaped blooms and delicate foliage.
  • Bleeding Hearts thrive in shady garden spots.
  • Their graceful, arching stems create a whimsical and romantic ambiance.

10 products