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Chionodoxa Planting & Growing Guide

Chionodoxa, or Glory of the Snow, are cherished by gardeners as some of the earliest and most lively spring bloomers. The star-shaped blossoms arrive in glorious blue, pink, and white shades, each showing off a striking white eye in the center. Once established, these heavenly flowers naturalize well and reliably return year after year. Plus, they're easy to grow when given plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil and absolutely breathtaking when planted in vast, sweeping drifts. Read on to learn more about these cheerful plants!

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Full Sun to Partial Sun


2-3" Apart


Early Spring


Zones 3-8

Where to Plant

While Chionodoxa are relatively easy to grow, full to partial sunlight and well-drained soil are what makes them happiest. If you notice puddles of water 5–6 hours after a hard rain, scout out another site or amend the soil with organic material to raise the level 2–3 inches. These plants are great for containers or outdoor plantings but will not thrive in waterlogged soils or excessively hot and dry conditions.

When to Plant

Chionodoxa burst into bloom around early spring, which is why they prefer to be planted in the fall. Give your plants ample time to get established by planting the bulbs in mid to late fall—basically, any time after the first frost and before the ground freezes.

How to Plant

  • For outdoor landscape planting, find a spot where the soil drains well, and your Chionodoxa plants will receive full to half-day sun. Dig holes and plant the bulbs 2–3" apart and 3" deep at the base with the pointy end facing up.
  • For container planting, start with good quality, well-drained potting soil, and plant the bulbs 2–3" apart and 3" deep at the base with the pointy end facing up. Be sure to choose a container with adequate drainage holes and enough space to accommodate the plant's mature size.
  • Water thoroughly, soaking the soil to settle it around the bulbs without air pockets.

How to Grow

  • Water as needed during active growth periods, supplying about 1" of moisture per week.
  • Leave the foliage in place after blooming has finished for the season. The leaves will gather sunlight to create food through photosynthesis, strengthening the bulb for the future.
  • Remove the dry foliage when the leaves turn yellow and die back around late spring or early summer.
  • Allow your Chionodoxa to rest for a few months in dormancy before beginning the next growing cycle.

Chionodoxa Tips & Tricks

  • Amend the soil with finely ground bark, decomposed manure, or compost to improve drainage and encourage a healthy start.
  • Expect roots to form in the fall, with buds and flowers arriving in the early spring.
  • Enjoy the bright, cheery nature of the colorful little flowers while in bloom.
  • Watch for your Chionodoxa bulbs to naturalize, forming bulb offsets and reseeding to create a wider and wider blanket of blooms over the years.